
  • Field Sales Management.
  • Market Management.
  • Go-to-Market Strategy (GTM).
  • Route-to-Market Strategy (RTM).
  • Manage-the-Market Strategy ( MTM).
  • Distributor appointment & Management
  • InfraInvestment.
  • structure.
  • Involvement.
  • .Influence.
  • Distributor Management key points.
  • Distributor point elements.
  • Return on Investment (ROI).
  • New Product launch plan.
  • Range selling.
  • Van Operation and feasibility.
  • Investment calculation.
  • Presentation Skills.
  • Merchandising.
  • Reporting formats.
  • Data analysis.
  • Distribution matrix.
  • Flock stock management.
  • Primary and secondary sales.
  • Route plan preparation.
  • Permanent journey plan preparation.
  • Incentives design and calculations.
  • Primary Promotions.
  • Secondary Promotions.
  • Trade Marketing Management.
  • Presentation Preparations.
  • Excel training for job purposes.
  • Margins and Markups.
  • Making ideal and Coordinated call.